The Project Canaan Farm (PCF) initiative is vitally important to our goal of self-sustainability. The farm has multiple approaches to agriculture: utilizing outdoor field farming, our greenhouse, dairy farming and egg farming. The farm provides milk, eggs and vegetables for the children living on Project Canaan, and our surrounding community, as well as employment for local Swazis.

Green House
"We have converted our greenhouse to grow only vanilla. Plus we have the ability to grow 300,000 seedlings at a time in our new seedling greenhouse."
- Ian Maxwell (2023)

Dairy cows
Since 2013, our dairy project has grown to 140 cows in the dairy and 37 in the beef herd. The children at Project Canaan consume 2,100 Liters of milk each week and that amount will continue to grow every month. As of 2023, we are producing butter, mozzarella cheese, yoghurt and amasi at the children’s campus. By purchasing a dairy cow, you can provide fresh pasteurized milk for our children and to sell in our community!

Plant a tree
Project Canaan is covered in wild African bush, with very few trees that provide shelter from the hot sun. By planting trees on Project Canaan, both shade trees and fruit trees, we can offer nourishment and provide a place of shade for rest. We have planted 3000 banana trees, 500 papaya trees, 320 avocado trees, 100+ shade trees and 280 dragon fruit stations thus far. Help us provide life to many for years to come by planting a tree on Project Canaan for $12.

Field Farming
In the field we grow beetroot, a variety of cabbage and tomatoes, butternut squash, green beans, carrots, baby marrows and patties pans.